May 1, 2010

Roger Ebert on Film Criticism- its present nature and future.

Roger Ebert has great appreciation for bloggers, and today I found something that should be gold-plated and hung around places where people go, thinking I need to do something intellectual. This is about film criticism, and he is quoting David Bordwell, but it might well apply to every one of us:

"...Forget about becoming a film critic. Become an intellectual, a person to whom ideas matter. Read in history, science, politics, and the arts generally. Develop your own ideas, and see what sparks they strike in relation to films.""
This, to a student who said he wanted to be a film critic.

We blog about anything and everything here, but if we take some time to impress on ourselves the value of developing our own ideas, then, together with our reading and interacting with people and ideas, good stuff might come.

I also felt happy to see that Ebert notes that "...large part of the future of literary English centers on the Indian subcontinent. "

I think Roger Ebert should me made the patron saint of bloggers. He is so generous.