Sep 4, 2010

Tha nature of laws

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field, is an image of a ...Image via Wikipedia
"In his new book, Stephen Hawking reiterates that there is no big gap in the scientific account of the big bang. The laws of physics can explain, he says, how a universe of space, time and matter could emerge spontaneously, without the need for God. And most cosmologists agree: we don't need a god-of-the-gaps to make the big bang go bang. It can happen as part of a natural process. A much tougher problem now looms, however. What is the source of those ingenious laws that enable a universe to pop into being from nothing?"
Stephen Hawking's big bang gaps | Paul Davies | Comment is free | The Guardian

There is always something that needs explanation: even if you have explained all the process, there is still the natural laws: how come they are the way there are? In fact, why should there be laws at all?

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