I don't know which is more scarier:
The apocalyptic warning of Stephen Hawking that there are aliens, and they are looking for food- and we are it: any close encounter will be the end of life for us as we know it is (Hawking has gained more confidence after this- he has now stated his conviction that time travel will one day be a reality- Helium)
Or this statement from the former Canadian Defence Minister, Paul Hellyer, who after accusing Hawking of scaring mankind about aliens, went one step further, and I don't know why he said this, but he went one step further- "“the reality is that they (aliens) have been visiting earth for decades and probably millennia and have contributed considerably to our knowledge," he is supposed to have said.- The Hindu.
It is worth noting that Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the governor of a Russian Region, has confessed too, that he had once been kidnapped from his balcony and was interrogated in a space ship, he exchanged ideas with the aliens, but without making use of language.