Jun 4, 2010

Wage Disparities

8,000 M.T.A. Employees Made $100,000 Last Year - NYTimes.com:

"...there are thousands of Metropolitan Transportation Authority employees — 8,074, to be precise — who made $100,000 or more last year."

You know who got it rich?

"The usual top-level managers are included in that list, but so are dozens of lower-level employees, including conductors, police officers and engineers, many of whom pulled in six figures in overtime and retirement benefits alone.
"One of those workers, a Long Island Rail Road conductor who retired in April, made $239,148, about $4,000 more than the authority’s chief financial officer, according to payroll data released on Wednesday.
"In fact, more than a quarter of the Long Island Rail Road’s 7,000 employees earned more than $100,000 last year, including the conductor, Thomas J. Redmond, and two locomotive engineers — who were among the top 25 earners in the entire transportation authority."

Contrast this with what is happening in China, where Foxconn, a BPO that makes iPhones for Apple, was forced to raise the wages by a mammoth 30%- thanks to a spate of suicide among its employees and the  consequent bad publicity.

I liked this comment by prestonramsay-

"“When something’s too cheap somebody is paying something”
This really has nothing to do with Apple or Dell, this is a perfect snapshot of the reality of consumption. I have an iphone, ipod, imac, and love them. Do I ever take into consideration who made them?..."

Read More http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/06/workers-at-china-plant-where-10-have-committed-suicide-to-get-30-raise/#ixzz0ptQ3L3Pk